Pat’s Puppy Aquatic Fun

Los Angeles, California
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Pool hosted by
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28 ft by 35 ft
3 ft to 8 ft deep
5 guests allowed
Must be 13 or older • Pets welcome
No restroom available
Up to 3 cars on site. More options available.
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Get a full refund if you cancel 2 hours before your booking.
Where you'll swim
Exact location after booking.

Los Angeles, CaliforniaUS

About the pool
Bring your pup for a swim! Beautiful pool just made for pup exercise and fun! One person per pup unless prearranged. This is NOT AN ADULT SWIM! This is for doggie exercise only ! You can go in the pool with your pup but no diving or jumping in the pool. Thanks !😊
Great sunlight
Shaded area
Shallow area
5.01 review
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5Pet swim

Wonderful large pool with steps to enter. Dog bowl for water. Very nice! Parking was easy and quick access to the pool area. H…

4 months ago
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user profile photo
Hosted by Pat

Hosting since Jul 2024

Verified Host

1 review

Would love to host your pups for doggie swim. Hoomans are allowed to swim WITH your pup but please no diving or jumping in the poo…

Response time: Within an hour

Things to know

House rules




Third-party vendors

Loud music


Additional rules

The pool is for pup swim . You are more than welcome to go in and out of pool to help your pup and for photo ops . This is for your dog so no human diving , Laos , or party g

Space privacy


Your own space; may be visible to neighbors and the main residence.

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