Scruggs party house

Gaffney, South Carolina
Listing photo
Listing photo-2

Pool hosted by

40 ft by 20 ft
3 ft to 8 ft deep
30 guests allowed

All ages welcome • Pets welcome

Restroom available
No Parking

No parking available on site

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 7 days before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Gaffney, South CarolinaUS

About the pool

We have a 20x40 rectangular pool. Behind the pool is a 30x40 basketball pad. We also have a shaded cabana for the adults to relax with bench seating. A new addition this year is a wonderful fire pit. We will also provide access to a guest bathroom inside our home as long as you don’t mind if someone is home.
Night lighting
Shaded area

Hosted by Amanda & Brian

Hosting since Aug 2020

Verified Host

Things to know

House rules

No Glass.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

<div>We only ask that no one jump or dive in the shallow end bc it is dangerous and it causes dents in the bottom of the pool.<...

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