Terrapin Station Pool

Adelphi, Maryland
Listing photo
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Pool hosted by

20 ft by 50 ft
3 ft to 9 ft deep
15 guests allowed

All ages welcome • Pets welcome

Restroom available

Private restroom available inside main home

No Parking

No parking available on site

Cancel anytime!

Get a full refund if you cancel 2 hours before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Adelphi, MarylandUS

About the pool

Free-form pool in stunning green setting, with diving board and easy steps for shallow end. Perfect for kids, very dog friendly. Disclaimers - the pool is surrounded by trees and greenery and woods so it gets leaves, twigs and bugs - I try to keep it as clean as possible - but you will see some detritus of the trees. The water is perfectly balanced and sanitary - but if you need a pristine pool this probably isn’t the one for you! I can clean it spotless at 9am and by 5pm it will have some stuff in it! Also, this is the family pool, there may occasionally be other swimmers during bookings. If you are bringing any pets with you, you must choose the "Pet Amenity" shown under the "Premium Amenity" Tab.
Night lighting
Shaded area
Diving board
Shallow area

What makes it special


Stunning World Class Hot Tub

Pool Toys





1 Pet

If you are bringing 1 pet with you, you must choose this amenity.


2 Pets

If you are bringing 2 pets with you, you must choose this amenity.


3 Pets

If you are bringing 3 pets with you, you must choose this amenity.

5.043 reviews


5Pet swim

Great dog friendly swimming pool for people who want to arrange a dog party!

3 days ago


5Pet swim

We rented this place because we wanted to take our dog for his first swim. We had a great time and my younger kids loved that he c…

3 days ago



Eric is a great host and the pool is lovely!

26 days ago



Great experience! Eric was so nice and accommodating. Will definitely be booking again!

8 months ago



We had a great time at Eric’s pool. The pool was clean and well kept. We appreciated the privacy of the fenced in area and I was a…

10 months ago



We had an awesome time! Very relaxed, super flexible. Pay attention to the listing- area is not pristine because you are surrou…

1 year ago



Cool water in the early evening. Beautiful trees. Nice host.

1 year ago



Eric was a fantastic host! The pool is great for a family swim. Nice shallow area and some pool toys. This is not a pristine, p…

1 year ago



Eric was great. So nice and helpful. The pool and the surrounding space was great too - peaceful, good mix of shade and sun, clean…

1 year ago

Hosted by Eric

Hosting since Aug 2020

Verified Host

43 reviews

Things to know

House rules

No Alcohol.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

Please dispose of trash properly. There is a 20$ pet fee per pet. If you are bringing any pets with you, you must choose the "P...

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