Backyard sanctuary …. Poolside relaxation station

Schenectady, New York
Listing photo
Listing photo-2

Full Sized Pool hosted by

8 ft by 14 ft
3 ft to 9 ft deep
Check-in with host

Your host Muhammad will be home

30 guests allowed

All ages welcome • No pets

No restroom available

Available for up to 1 car

Cancel anytime!

Get a full refund if you cancel 2 hours before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Schenectady, New YorkUS

About the pool

Enjoy time at the pool… large and spacious… lounge chairs and swimming area for both adults and kids…
Great sunlight
Tanning edge
Pool hoop

What makes it special


Grill is available… but limited to gas availability…


Fire Pit

Available… but limited to fire wood availability


Volume restrictions apply…




Outside bar and grill

Outside bar and grill are add on with additional cost…Coming with refrigerator fully stock with water and can soda..$60.00 additional fee for the first 2hrs… 40.00 for each additional hr of use…

Hosted by Muhammad

Hosting since Mar 2024

Fun happy and a peace… live life to the fullest…

Things to know

House rules

Additional rules

Parties and alcohol have to be discussed with host…please inform ahead of time…thank you

Space privacy

Somewhat private

Neighbors’ view is obstructed but space is still visible to household

Report Listing