Unique Modern Paradise House With 360 Skyline Views Of Downtown, Hollywood Sign, Santa Monica Views

Los Angeles, California
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House hosted by

13,500 ft²
200 guests allowed

All ages welcome • Pets welcome (not in home)


3 restrooms available


Available for up to 10 cars

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 7 days before your booking.

Where you'll visit

Exact location after booking.

Los Angeles, CaliforniaUS

About the home

This large 3,600 sqft single level house offers 3 bathrooms. Is completely remodeled, comes with a nice modern pool in a courtyard setting in addition to the pool bar and offers a nice unique romantic rooftop with a firepit & a large stunning backyard with outdoor BBQ/Bar, a floating sexy Jacuzzi all with explosive views of Downtown Los Angeles, Hollywood Sign, Santa Monica Ocean, Palos Verdes & Malibu.. backyard also offers a Mini Golf course. The front of the house offers a large nice circular driveway & lush welcoming landscaping.. Please note: - Basic Reservation does NOT included access to kitchen or Garage, to add those your booking please add them from the add-ons section. - Owner reserves the right to request a refundable deposit for damages outside of the app before the booking can be confirmed. Refundable deposit will range between $1,500 and $5,000 depending on the details of the event/booking. - No taping/decorating on any walls allowed otherwise a $700 fee will be deducted from the deposit. Thank you.
Scenic views

This space is great for...


Friend hangouts

Family gatherings


What makes it special


Heated Pool


Hot Tub



Mandatory Cleaning Fee

Cleaning fee must be added for groups of more than 5 guests


Kitchen Use


Small Bedroom Use


2nd Bathroom

Add a 2nd bathroom to your booking for your guests


Circular Driveway Use

For Parking and for Loading/Unloading


Ping Pong Table

4.01 review



Overall okay experience, but this place was not prepared for our party size of 200 people, which created lots of challenges and to…

3 months ago

Hosted by Sarah

Hosting since Jul 2021

Verified Host

1 review


Things to know

House rules

No Smoking.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

No loud music

Safety & Security

Security cameras

Security camera/recording device in sight of the home.

Report Listing