Private Oasis Studio and Creative Space in Hollywood

West Hollywood, California
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Studio hosted by

2,000 ft²
Check-in with host

Your host Brie will be home

80 guests allowed

All ages welcome • Pets welcome


2 restrooms available


Available for up to 7 cars

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 1 day before your booking.

Where you'll visit

Exact location after booking.

West Hollywood, CaliforniaUS

About the home

This modern studio is great for photo shoots, headshots, podcasts, mellow parties, fittings, small tastings, classes, yoga retreats, meetings, podcasts, pop up sales, trunk shows, fashion events, and art shows. There is 30x20' studio space with a garage door that opens, so you have the option of an indoor-outdoor event, or close the garage door for indoor only. We have a separate room for make up/hair, and another 16x21' room for wardrobe (which can also be used as shooting space or separate meeting room), and a centralized kitchen (with appliances) that can be closed off - or left open - from the large studio. On the 2nd floor is a conference room for meetings, private work, or lunch breaks.
Night lighting

This space is great for...

Video shoots

Friend hangouts

Family gatherings

Photo shoots

Corporate events





What makes it special


Parking Lot

Next door can be rented per event, with rates varying for hours, etc.


Production Equipment

9' seamless backdrop



bathroom downstairs has a shower


speakers connected throughout the building

Hosted by Brie

Hosting since Feb 2024

Things to know

House rules

No Smoking.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

No smoking. No nudity outside. No super loud parties.

Space privacy

Somewhat private

Neighbors’ view is obstructed but space is still visible to household

Safety & Security

Security cameras

Security camera/recording device in sight of the home.

Report Listing