The Mansion At The Hacienda

Los Angeles, California
Listing photo
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House hosted by

1,500 ft²
Check-in with host

Your host Ted will be home

100 guests allowed

All ages welcome • No pets


2 restrooms available


Available for up to 2 cars

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 3 days before your booking.

Where you'll visit

Exact location after booking.

Los Angeles, CaliforniaUS

About the home

Unique event space with a classic 1922 Beverly Hills Mansion on the property and up to 5 acres for large outdoor events or small intimate outings or indoor events. Our property is an extraordinary space in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley. Often used as a TV and Film location, the property features a 1922 Beverly Hills mansion moved to the property in 1956! It's main room has been restored to its former glory and offers a unique venue for events large and small. While the description features the mansion there is a large yard area with additional space for larger events such as car shows and other events requiring open space.

This space is great for...


Photo shoots

Family gatherings

Video shoots


Corporate events



Hosted by Ted

Hosting since Jan 2024

Things to know

House rules

No Smoking.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

No open house No smoking No Late night parties

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