Quaint Midtown Tucson Pool

Tucson, Arizona
Listing photo
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Pool hosted by

5 guests allowed

Must be 12 or older • No pets

No restroom available

Available for up to 2 cars

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 1 day before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Tucson, ArizonaUS

About the pool

Just pool is located in a midtown backyard just east of the University of Arizona. It’s a small pool with a waterfall and a tanning ledge. Sparkling, clean and heated per booking nine months out of the year. As I become familiar with this app, and what people desire, I will add more amenities.
Great sunlight
Shaded area
Night lighting

What makes it special





Due to costs, we do not keep this pool heated year-round. I will begin hitting the pool, a few hours before your booking, which will be free of charge, and then you will be charged per hour for the duration of your booking. Thanks for understanding!

Hosted by Renee

Hosting since Dec 2023

Hi, swimmers! I’m originally from the San Francisco Bay area, but I’ve lived in Tucson for 16 years. I’ve been a pool owner since …

Things to know

House rules

No Parties. No Smoking. No Alcohol.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

No glass, no illegal drugs… And the usual no running around the pool and no diving in because the deep end is not deep enough, ...

Report Listing