Santa Clarita Serenity

Santa Clarita, California
Listing photo
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House hosted by

1,500 ft²
Check-in with host

Your host Yuliya will be home

15 guests allowed

All ages welcome • No pets


1 restroom available


Available for up to 2 cars

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 3 days before your booking.

Where you'll visit

Exact location after booking.

Santa Clarita, CaliforniaUS

About the home

Nestled in the heart of picturesque Santa Clarita, California, this charming home is the perfect retreat for those seeking a blend of comfort and sophistication. With its modest yet classy design, this property exudes an inviting atmosphere that will make your guests feel right at home. One of the standout features of this home is its open concept kitchen, flooded with natural light. Fully equipped with modern amenities and stainless steel appliances, it's a chef's dream come true. You'll find a gas range that makes culinary adventures a breeze, ensuring that every meal you prepare here is a memorable one. The kitchen seamlessly flows into the spacious living area, where a cozy fireplace awaits, perfect for chilly evenings or adding a touch of ambiance to your gatherings. Stepping outside, you'll discover an expansive backyard that's nothing short of a hidden gem. A pergola adorned with string lighting creates a magical ambiance, whether it's for a romantic dinner or a festive celebration. The grill adds an opportunity for outdoor cooking, enhancing the overall experience for your guests. This home's versatile layout is perfect for small, intimate gatherings and events. Whether it's a family get-together, a birthday celebration, or a meeting, this space is equipped to make your event truly memorable. Santa Clarita's picturesque surroundings and this delightful home offer a combination that's hard to resist.
Shaded area
Night lighting

This space is great for...


Friend hangouts

Family gatherings

Photo shoots


Corporate events





Video shoots

What makes it special


Hosted by Yuliya

Hosting since Oct 2023

Things to know

House rules

No Smoking.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

No smoking.

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