It's a Pool

Las Vegas, Nevada
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Pool hosted by

Check-in with host

Your host Safya will be home

20 guests allowed

All ages welcome • Pets welcome (not in pool)

Restroom available

Private restroom available inside main home


Available for up to 2 cars

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 1 day before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Las Vegas, NevadaUS

About the pool

It's got water, chlorine and is cleaned regularly. We have toys but they area always changing.
Night lighting
Great sunlight

What makes it special




You may use the grill and picnic seating area.

Pool Toys

If there are some there. They can be used.


Picnic table

The Outdoor eating area with the table.

Hosted by Safya

Hosting since Jun 2023


Things to know

House rules

No Smoking.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

1. Dry before entering the house restroom. 2. Only one person inside the restroom at a time. (Unless parent and child, of cour...

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