Gaia Springs Quantum Healing

Peoria, Arizona
Listing photo
Listing photo-2

Pool hosted by

15 ft by 30 ft
3.5 ft to 8.5 ft deep
ADA Friendly
Check-in with host

Your host Guy will be home

10 guests allowed

All ages welcome • No pets

Restroom available

Private restroom available inside main home


Available for up to 4 cars

Cancel anytime!

Get a full refund if you cancel 2 hours before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Peoria, ArizonaUS

About the pool

We have created a Quantum Healing experience using energy frequency and vibration. We use a healing method of chlorination., sanitizer, salt and PH.
Night lighting
Shaded area
Great sunlight
Tanning edge

What makes it special


Hot Tub

In our 7ft x 7ft raised hot tub. There is comfortable seating for 6 with a handicapped rail leading the way in. We have forced air bubbles and can heat it to 103°


FREE Wi-Fi on site.


Outside Shower non private onsite

Hosted by Guy

Hosting since Apr 2023

Retired homeowner spending time leaning and applying alternative cleansing methodologies to my pool.

Things to know

House rules

No Parties.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

No Glass Bottles in the pool area; 420 Friendly; Pick up After yourself, trash can onsite.


Host says space is ADA friendly

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