Zen garden pool

Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Listing photo
Listing photo-2

Framed Pool hosted by

10 guests allowed

All ages welcome • Pets welcome

Restroom available

Private restroom available inside main home


Available for up to 4 cars

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 1 day before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Fort Walton Beach, FloridaUS

About the pool

Huge yard filled with carefully manicured bamboo for a zen feel. Lots of details and lights for a fun atmosphere. This is an above ground pool surrounded by a wood deck and high fence for privacy.
Night lighting
Great sunlight

What makes it special


Cold shower on the deck around the pool


In front of our house is a small kids park.


Pool Toys

I can add some blow up swim toys upon request.


Fire Pit

Beautiful custom above ground rectangular fire pit



Large blue tooth speaker upon request

Hosted by Stella

Hosting since Nov 2022

We are a family of 5 running a karate dojo in our small town. Very active and very fun!

Things to know

House rules

Additional rules

<div>No marijuana smoking/vaping. If you want to have a themed party, there is an additional fee. Like a birthday or something....

Safety & Security

Security cameras

Security camera/recording device in sight of the pool.

Report Listing