Rural Oasis

Monson, Massachusetts
Listing photo
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Pool hosted by

14 ft by 46 ft
4 ft to 9 ft deep
14 guests allowed

No infants (0-2) • No pets

Restroom available

Private restroom available inside main home


Available for up to 5 cars

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 1 day before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Monson, MassachusettsUS

What makes it special

Heated Pool


Hot Tub

There are two Spas. One is attached to the pool and there is a separate hot tub. This charge is for both spas.



12 towels provided



Outdoor shower with hot water. You can use the changing room for free



Please let us know what you would like for music choice and we will put on the 10 speakers surrounding the pool


Fire Pit

Wood burning smokless solo stove. We will prep for use prior to arrival



Bring your food to grill!

Hosted by Andrew

Hosting since Aug 2022

Verified Host

Things to know

House rules

No Parties.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

Restroom is part of the house but has private entrance from outside. Please dry yourself before entering. Interior restroom wil...

Safety & Security

Security cameras

Security camera/recording device in sight of the pool.

Report Listing