Colby’s land
Reisterstown, Maryland

Framed Pool hosted by

32 ft by 16 ft
8 guests allowed
Must be 13 or older • No pets
No restroom available
Up to 4 cars on site.
Free cancellation!
Get a full refund if you cancel 7 days before your booking.
Where you'll swim
Exact location after booking.
Reisterstown, Maryland•US
About the pool
Neighbors are nearby so please keep the sound to a minimum as it gets later in the evening. No loud music! Guests must leave the property as they found it. Guests must remove all trash and take with them upon leaving properly. Please no glass/bottles, hookah or any illegal drugs.
Night lighting
Great sunlight
Pool hoop
What makes it special

Hosted by Colby
Hosting since Jun 2022
Things to know
House rules
Loud music
Third-party vendors
Report Listing