Pool in country setting

Fresno, California
Listing photo
Listing photo-2

Pool hosted by

15 ft by 30 ft
3 ft to 10 ft deep
15 guests allowed

All ages welcome • No pets

Restroom available

Dedicated restroom available by the pool


Available for up to 4 cars

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 3 days before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Fresno, CaliforniaUS

About the pool

Private pool with attached spa! Plenty of play room or volleyball. No pets allowed. We also have a dirt bike field and room to play. Outside bathroom toilet is available but no sink at the moment.
Night lighting
Shaded area
Great sunlight
Shallow area

What makes it special


Heated Pool

Hot Tub

Extra if heated



Can provide for fee



Can use guest shower



Can provide portable karaoke speaker machine

Hosted by Doug

Hosting since Jun 2022

We have a fun sized oval in ground pool with attached heated spa.

Things to know

House rules

Additional rules

No animals and there will be a cleanup fee if any trash is left behind no matter how much trash.

Space privacy

Very private

Space cannot be seen from neighbors or household

Safety & Security

Security cameras

Security camera/recording device in sight of the pool.

Report Listing