Modern Private Home Theater Room

Los Angeles, California
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360 Tour

House hosted by

1,500 ft²
9 guests allowed

All ages welcome • No pets


1 restroom available

No Parking

No parking available on site

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 3 days before your booking.

Where you'll visit

Exact location after booking.

Los Angeles, CaliforniaUS

About the home

We have a brand new modern home theater room using the Dolby Atmos system. We can do 3D movies here and you can choose to watch anything on HBO Max, Showtime, Apple Tv, Netflix, Hulu,, YoutubeTV or Amazon Prime. Our movie room has individual seating for 6 plus 3 more can enjoy with lounge seating. Our theater room has a modern design and allows you to choose any colors for the side lighting if so desired. Seating - The back 6 seats fully recline and have multiple chair adjustment options. The seats also vibrate to the sound of the movie really taking you into the movie experience. For 3D Movies, we have 4 3D Glasses Available and we have 2 3D movies....Titanic & Avatar. You are free to bring in your own 3D movies to play here.. Any movie requiring payment that you want to order online for streaming is FREE with your booking. Max total number of people is 9 that can fit in the room.
Media room

This space is great for...

Family gatherings

Friend hangouts

What makes it special



Atmos Sound System

Popcorn Maker

Snow Cone Maker

Candy Bars & More

3D Glasses

We have quantity 4 3D Glasses

5.01 review



Couldn't have asked for a better event at Sunil's private theater for our screening. The seating is beyond comfortable with so man…

2 months ago

Hosted by Sunil

Hosting since Jul 2021

Verified Host

1 review

Entrepreneur and lover of brussels griffons

Things to know

Space privacy

Very private

Space cannot be seen from neighbors or household

Report Listing